Friday, May 1, 2015

Proof: DNA Refutes Evolution. Saturday 2nd May, 2015. St. Athanasius, BCD. First Saturday. Wthin the Octave

Proof : DNA Refutes Evolution - Bro. Peter Dimond (


"Here's how to quickly refute the theory of Evolution.


It's simply a fact that life cannot exist without proteins.   Proteins are essential to every cells function and existence.

However, proteins require DNA to be formed.   That's because proteins are chains of particularly sequenced amino acids.


Amino acids must link up in the precise sequence for a protein to form and the precise sequence amino acids which is essential to protein formation is itself determined by the precise arrangements of the bases in the DNA molecule.


That means that the precise arrangement of the bases in the DNA molecule constitutes the code for the precise arrangement of amino acids in a chain, and the precise amino acid arrangement in a chain is itself necessary for protein formation.


Therefore, to put it simply, to have life you must have DNA.   A protein cannot form without it.    But DNA by itself is useless.  It can't  do anything.  DNA doesn't go anywhere or do anything productive without already existing protein.   That's because, for in order for DNA to be transcribed and utilized in the cell, which is essential for protein formation and life, DNA requires already existing protein. 

Think about that!



It means that if you began with DNA but without proteins, you could never get to proteins or life, because DNA needs already existing proteins to even function or form proteins.

And. if you couldn't start with proteins which are devoid of DNA, because proteins can only be formed from the instructions and information in DNA.


That proves that both DNA and proteins, not to mention the many other molecular machines that enable them to interact, must have been present from the beginning of life.

One could not have evolved into the other because they require one another for sustenance and utility.   They must have been and were created simultaneously.

 Evolution is false.


Charles Darwin, the man who came up with the Theory of Evolution admitted:  "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ [structure] existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." (Charles Darwin, On The Origin Of Species. 6th edition. NYU, 1988 p. 154)

We've just discussed a fact which proves without any doubt, that such a structure exists.   There are countless other examples.   They are ubiquitous in creation.


Evolution is a completely unscientific hoax and fairy tale.   It's  simply a false religious view that has been imposed on the masses through the education system and by means of lies and hoaxes, such as the "Piltdown Man."


True science, such as the facts we've just discussed, refutes it, and that is clear to those who actually want the truth, but that's the key, isn't it!    Most people don't want the truth.   In fact, only a very spiritually darkened generation could have come to embrace evolution and fail to perceive the utter stupidity and illogic , inherent in the idea at every turn.


And the reason that so many colleges and universities decide to swiftly silence, remove or intimidate scientists, who simply look into the arguments against evolution, and begun to speak out about them, is that the evolution hoax cannot withstand honest scrutiny.   



For a very detailed discussion of DNA and how it completely refutes evolution, see our video "Information Proves God." 

For an overview of related matter , see our video "Creation and Miracles."- The Final Edition.

For many powerful examples of how the amazing capabilities of God's creatures demolish the idea of evolution, see the videos: "Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution," available on YouTube, and on our website ...

For a complete refutation of evolution from all aspects of science, written by a scientist with a PhD. see the book, "In The Beginning," by Dr. Walt Brown from MIT

This book shows how the earth's defining geological characteristics were the result of the Global Flood recorded in the Book of Genesis.   You will find links to those materials  in the description of this video."

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